Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hungry / Thirsty at Work? No need for that...

Of course you're bored at work- that can't be helped, so go find something to do. But there's no need to be hungry and thirsty at work. Tell your boss that he/she can remedy this situation for free. Visit to sign up for their FREE vending service. It only takes a few minutes, and you won't regret the small effort.

After you answer a short, but in-depth questionairre about your company's snack & beverage needs, the staff at will match you up with a local, independent vendor. You will be able to meet with the vendor and discuss what type of snack, food or beverages will be provided, and at what cost. If your management and the vendor come to an agreement, then Bob's your uncle, you'll be scarfing down goodies within a couple of weeks, sometimes even just a couple of days.

Free vending services for your office, or factory break room is just a few clicks away. All over the contiguous United States, people are finding out how easy it is to get a responsible, INDEPENDENT, highly rated vending operator to service their facility.

Don't sit around wishing for a Diet Coke and some Doritos a moment longer- visit and let them hook you up today!