Thursday, April 5, 2012

Getting a Vendor to Service Your Office is Fast & Easy

Being hungry and / or thirsty at work makes the day go by even slower. Employees who are thinking about their grumbling tummies and dry mouth also tend to have wandering minds- we all know how it feels. It's so hard to concentrate on mundane tasks when you've got the munchies.

The best remedy for those mid-day munchies is, of  course, a good ol' vending machine. Snack vending machines, pop machines, combo- and in some cases, a cold or frozen food vending machine - are a welcome sight in most workplaces. Having these units around the facility can keep staff alert and comfy, and reduce trips to the local fast food joint.

Another thing to consider, depending on the nature of your facility, is the comfort of your customers. If you've got any type of business in which your customers have to wait for more than 5 minutes, having snacks & beverages available can go a long way toward keeping them calm, and somewhat more willing to wait on those days when progress is going slower than they'd like.

Places like tire and auto shops, where people are already miffed about having to pay for repairs and such are great spots for vending machines. This is especially true for people who have small children in tow. The kids are getting bored and might be getting hungry, and irritating the parents. Other places such as clinic waiting rooms and salons could also benefit from vending machines.

Luckily, there are options available for those business owners who want the convenience of having on-site vending machines, but can't afford them, or just don't want the hassle of maintaining and filling the machines. offers to set you up with a FREE VENDING SERVICE for your business. This friendly company maintains a huge, nationwide database of vendors who are ready to bring their machines into your location, keep their maintained, and keep them filled with the kind of treats your company wants.

It only takes a few minutes of your time to fill out the form you need to get them started looking for a several vendors whose profiles best match your needs. Then you get to meet with the vendors. To quickly and easily get the process of finding you a vendor started, go to
and choose the GREEN button. Fill out the form and that's it- they'll take it from there.

Are you a vendor who would like to become part of our nationwide database? CLICK HERE and then choose the ORANGE button.

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